By Jacquelinez - 20/05/2012 18:20 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went mini golfing with his family. We had a competition going on, and when I managed to get two consecutive holes in one, he started seething and muttered that I'm dangerously close to becoming single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 070
You deserved it 3 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is the part where you shove your putter up his arse and yell "HOLE IN ONE".


kitsune3 20

If he's so insecure, over-competitive, and childish that he's threatening to break up with you over anything so insignificant as a game of mini golf, you might as well call it over and find someone who has enough sense to know it's just a game.

lilysmiles143 0

i hope he was just playing

doglover100 28

What ticks me off is that some people were all, 'you deserve it'. Um...sorry she good at golf?

I couldn't stand dating someone who's competitive for that very reason. Anyone who has to turn simple activities into serious competition is just not fun. I don't want to have to feel like I'm going to get broken up with over winning a board game or something.