By Jacquelinez - 20/05/2012 18:20 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went mini golfing with his family. We had a competition going on, and when I managed to get two consecutive holes in one, he started seething and muttered that I'm dangerously close to becoming single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 070
You deserved it 3 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is the part where you shove your putter up his arse and yell "HOLE IN ONE".


I would of done the same thing... Some Ppl cant help being competitive

Thats a bit weird just over a sily game

Sk8trlover19 3

You should really dump him if he is gonna be a sore loser like that, plus I bet you can get way better

McKizzleton 4

You should've told him "Buck up, buttercup. Now watch this drive!"

jackeechan 10

Men like to win. Its in our blood

Sore loser! Men ALWAYS have to win! Beat his ass next time you go with 3 holes in one. Maybe he'll cry. Lol!

graphicstyle7 17

He sounds like an immature jerk. Dump him before you get too serious. Better single and not putting up with that B.S.... you should NEVER use something like your relationship ending as some sort of threat for something so trivial.

Next time bring a driver to the course and tell him he's dangerously close to becoming a woman.

hateevryone 14

Sore loser can't take a loss.