By Jacquelinez - 20/05/2012 18:20 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went mini golfing with his family. We had a competition going on, and when I managed to get two consecutive holes in one, he started seething and muttered that I'm dangerously close to becoming single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 070
You deserved it 3 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is the part where you shove your putter up his arse and yell "HOLE IN ONE".


Oh he'll be scoring a hole in one when he gets home

PartyChick55 13

wow he really needs to calm down. Its just a game!

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Should've asked did he care more about the hole in the ground or the one in the bed?

He was probably joking. My boyfriend gets upset when I beat him at something but I just tell him to go moan about it to someone who cares. If he wants to dump you over mini golf let him, it'll make him look stupid as he explains why to everyone.

Single would be better than with a guy who doesn't want to lose to his girlfriend who could become a wife with kids that he might start to resent when they beat him at sports or a board game. Really sounds like he could learn to be a better sportsman.

bizarre_ftw 21

If he acts like that I should hope he's perched on the edge

jay_boyy 1

I'll let you beat me at mini golf anytime

My man hates when I beat him in anything. But he gets me back from playing his video games. So it's all good.

Urghh why are some (a lot) of dudes like this? Such a turn off. Why can't they they be just proud and think--hell yeah my girl is awesome? Why keep a tally, it is supposed to be fun

True man. True. Guys get so butthurt over petty shit sometimes that I just want to sucker punch them.