By ditched?? - 06/08/2010 09:05 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were driving around town in his car. To my surprise he took me out to lunch. As we were leaving, a girl walks up and asks if he had room for one more for a ride, sadly he only has two seats in his car. Guess who had to walk! FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 369
You deserved it 5 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bt2breakskn 0

not much of a boyfriend.... drop his ass.


Brittaneyyy 0

WTF he's a douche much if he had a Brain he'd tell her sorry no room and I'm driving with my GF!

alicia_was_here 3

okay, i'll guess it was you, his gf, who had to walk! guess who needs a new boyfriend? hint: same answer as the original question.

You mean "my now ex-boyfriend and I were driving..." If you're still with him, you really need some self esteem.

KY_Jelly 10

I know. I was trying to use my mind powers to change it to a question mark. Needless to say, it didn't work.

perdix 29

You could have sat on the stick shift.

really? u let random girls ask and get in your mans car? that's what u get

dudeitsdanny 9

A question mark would be incorrect. The exclamation point works. OP is telling you to guess, not asking if you'll do it. I cringe when people use question marks, because commands aren't questions.