By KayleeXLoVe21 - 03/11/2011 23:48 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex. The lights kept on going on and off. Why? The lights are activated by "clap on, clap off." It killed the mood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 926
You deserved it 9 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

daysgoby902 6

it would have been awesome if you were on drugs

559NVUS 3

Well then you should've stopped clapping your hands from all the excitement, oh wait...Nice :)


Today I was finna smash my hubby wen he realized he ain't bring no condom, buht we both wanted it so bad dat he was willin to use a ziploc bag....

didthatreallyhap_fml 14

I would find a different room to do it in.. Haha(:

Those things usually have an override switch. Either you have a terrible light system or you and your boyfriend are the laziest people in the world.

Ruined the mood? I'd take it as a challenge to see if we could create a strobe light effect.

totis0615 2

This made me crack up. I really needed a good laugh. Sorry I know it must have sucked for you since u posted it and all :)

destybabyy 1

Hahahahahahahaha Dude I started cracking up