By Username - 13/08/2011 11:45 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were watching a scary movie. I was starting to get a small headache so he gently brushed my hair. During a scary part he jumped and hit me in the head as hard as he could with the brush. I'm still recovering from the migraine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 652
You deserved it 5 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

angrydinosaur 4

He pretended to be scared just so he could hit you!

"As hard as he could"? Really? Did he use your brush as a baseball bat or something?


ok the words 'scary movie' 'small headache' and 'I'm still recovering' really make you sound like a massive whiney, high maintenance girlfriend to me! why dont you just drop a couple of paracetamol and get the hell on with it like pretty much the rest of us do!

wazzup808 0

He brushes your hair? Not that that's a bad thing, just uhh... Not common??

spazzy910 0

Well he had good intentions :) feel better?

Demonyx 6

A really bad headache is not a migraine

MeGustaFace 0