By Username - 13/08/2011 11:45 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were watching a scary movie. I was starting to get a small headache so he gently brushed my hair. During a scary part he jumped and hit me in the head as hard as he could with the brush. I'm still recovering from the migraine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 652
You deserved it 5 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

angrydinosaur 4

He pretended to be scared just so he could hit you!

"As hard as he could"? Really? Did he use your brush as a baseball bat or something?


bbyeeyore 0

How is this even an fml? Suck it up.

Do NOT be fooled! He used the opportunity to show you! :o

shopfitch 7

That's really sweet that he would actually sit down and do something as kind as brushing your hair for you. Try to focus on that.

I'm sure the whack hurt but as others have said, unless you were left lying in agony for hours, probably fighting off the urge to throw up and feeling like any slight sound or amount of light was unbearable then you did not have a migraine.

I don't think she meant that he hit her on purpose. Obviously if he jumped and whacked her in the head it was accidental. And who cares what she calls it? It's her FML.

I doubt that you actually had a migraine. Actual medically diagnosed migraine headaches are very different and incredibly painful and it pisses me off that people call regular headaches "migraines"

Maybe next time he wants some love fall asleep during.

I'm lost. He jumped, then intentionally took a swing at your head?

Keeelsey 0

You sure he's your "boyfriend"? ..guys aren't supposed to jump at films! Girls are!