By bluebelle - 19/10/2015 11:10 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend brought me a bunny for a house present for moving into our first house. She escaped her cage and bit through the electrical wires, cutting out all our power and electrocuting and killing herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 967
You deserved it 2 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments


******* thing literally died of both karma and irony

Mooglefox 23

Power may be out, but at least you got a cooked dinner.

Electrocuting is the term for death by electricity, to be electrocuted is to die, so the 'and killing' is not needed. sorry about your bunny OP

As an electrician it is not possible for all of your power to be out, just the breaker that feeds whatever wire it bit into.

Electrocution is when someone dies of an electric shock, so it can't be electrocuted and killed.

backdoorman010 9

sounds like natural selection to me

I was bunny-sitting for a friend several years ago and her bunny did the same. chewed through three telephone cords before I realized it was him. Thankfully the bunny was okay but I kept a closer eye on him the next time I bunny sat.

I did not know that rabbits would attack electrical cords WTF my cat occasionally attacks electric cords but that's because they move other posters say this is common but I am still surprised fyl