By bluebelle - 19/10/2015 11:10 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend brought me a bunny for a house present for moving into our first house. She escaped her cage and bit through the electrical wires, cutting out all our power and electrocuting and killing herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 967
You deserved it 2 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Should of gave the bunny one of those pills from "limitless"

MrZsDad 19

Dinner served itself, by candlelight. How Romantic!!!

coldstar 15

FYL OP. I've owned rabbits in the past and had them bite through my TV wires, phone wires and Christmas tree light wires. Rabbits aren't technically considered rodents, but they are similar to them in many ways and do unfortunately enjoy chewing through wires in much the same way as genuine rodents like mice and rats do.

Whhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa????? That's awful!! First the power and then the bunny because of the power??? That's so, ugh. I'm sorry.

Sounds like an episode from Suicide Bunny's

Rabbits are difficult pets. Not the kind you wanna buy unprepared, on a whim.