By bluebelle - 19/10/2015 11:10 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend brought me a bunny for a house present for moving into our first house. She escaped her cage and bit through the electrical wires, cutting out all our power and electrocuting and killing herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 967
You deserved it 2 810

Same thing different taste

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Looks like the bunny took the easy way out. Sorry OP....

My rabbits have chewed through so many cords, but have never gotten electrocuted. They drive me nuts sometimes. Now I watch them like a hawk and remove all cords when they are out.

So you lost a bunny rabbit. But you moved into your first house. Not saying YDI, but definitely not FYL. Perhaps F the bunny's life, though.

So, I guess Easter 2016 is cancelled then?