By bluebelle - 19/10/2015 11:10 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend brought me a bunny for a house present for moving into our first house. She escaped her cage and bit through the electrical wires, cutting out all our power and electrocuting and killing herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 967
You deserved it 2 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Did you want the bunny? Or was it like: "why'd you get me this? Oh great now everything's f'd up"

Curiosity killed the rabbit? Doesn't have the same ring


It is always a sad day when a pet decides that suicide is a better option than being your pet. Could be a rabbit thing though, I had a rabbit do the same thing, including escaping her cage just to chew an electrical cord.

bunnylady08 13

bunnies will do that. sorry about the bunny OP

Bunnies are notorious for that stuff... Sorry to hear it

as a bunny enthusiast I have to warn against just impulse buying them. they are VERY high maintenance and can cost more than a dog to keep.

If rabbits are left free in the house they will constantly chew. They will also burrow into the walls and insulation.

I have rabbits. They don't dig holes into our walls and burrow into insulation. That's a bit extreme. My rabbits chew my furniture though. I'm going to have to reupholster my furniture one day.

MedChew 19

Suicide bunny IRL. Anyone remember that comic?