By Anonymous - 24/03/2009 10:41 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend came over for dinner, but couldn't eat because he had just gotten his tongue pierced. My grandpa heard this, winked at my boyfriend and said "Can't eat now, but I bet that's all you'll be doing in a few weeks..." My super protective father was sitting right next to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 954
You deserved it 9 593

Same thing different taste


braFTW 0

Grandpa's been around for a while, he knows how things are.. =D

f0rged 0

haha that's awesome! But if your father is that protective wouldn't he have an issue with you having that piercing in the first place? I know when I got my bf's tongue pierced for his birthday his mom made comments about the reasoning behind it....but then again his mom laughed and winked at me afterwards..

haha omg.... thats that must have been

ashleyy_fml 0

Hahaha, your grandpa is pretty awesome! But that's a pretty awkward situation hahaha

Jester4545 0

I love your grandpa >.>

Haha. And when your super protective father unloads on your boyfriend, your grandpa will be there to tell him to calm the **** down.

uhnonnuhmus 0

Well, look on the bright side: Grandpa didn't ask if your boyfriend preferred franks and beans or fish along with that tongue ring.

Poor Dad. Awesome Grandpa. Lucky you in a couple of couple of weeks.

tokyooo123 0

haha love when the grandparents are way cooler than the parents

lol now ur bf will see your grandfather when hes going down on you xD