By Anonymous - 30/10/2011 05:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend clearly stated that I was "useless" when on my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 499
You deserved it 8 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him your period is your excuse. What's his?


rmeyer6 0

It ofcourse dependa in which state the OP is, she might be totally useless even for a *******, but that doesnt allow him to be a fking idiot

Try to find out whether it is because of not you wanting him to sail the red sea or because you really get moody and you're really unreasonable to him during your period. We all understand you're not feeling splendid, but he does not deserve a monthly test of endurance consisting of unreasonable demands and complaints either. The word 'useless' is not so tactic either - but then again, sometimes us men are just not so tactic.

The word 'tactic' is useless in your comment.

karmaslave 5

You were going for "tactful."

@karmaslave: thank you for explaining. My English is not as good as I'd like it to be, at least you explain what word I should have used. Really, that helps a lot more than just saying 'useless'.

Why did this comment receive so many thumb downs? It was a valid point with supportive details unlike "dump his ass" or "idiot!"

Alnae 0

Well he sounds like an asshole

HoboSmeller 6

tell him he is completely useless when he only lasts for 3 minutes in bed.

You should talk to the husband of the other FML and maybe after that you'll be glad you at least get some, minus one week out of the month!

jobsman99 0

Well he is very wrong. My gal is horniest and wants great sex all the time while on and around her period. Well to be honest we have sex all the time. But having her period is no stopper, just got to have a pad under you or sex in the shower. And there is the daily or more ******** anyway. So go ahead and have sex on her period it is hot and fun.

Yeah, who wouldn't love their junk getting covered in blood?

Reminds me of me and my wife. Then we got married and had a kid...

31- if you're being safe and using a condom it shouldn't really be an issue. And honestly, is it much worse than getting shit on your junk from anal sex, which most men it seems constantly ask for? Get over yourself

actually.. that does apply to a lot of women. same goes for pregnant women.

pickles2b2 4

break up with him; he obviously only wants you foe sex

No. Other people have said that, but I don't think "useless" is the word he'd use for that. He'd probably say she was being "mean" or "bitchy."

You seem to have it backwards... I'm pretty sure he'd say 'mean' or 'bitchy' if he didn't care about the sex and the problem was her personality during that week. 'Useless' implies she's good for nothing because she can't do the deed...