By Anonymous - 30/10/2011 05:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend clearly stated that I was "useless" when on my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 499
You deserved it 8 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him your period is your excuse. What's his?


If you can run through mud you can **** through blood, both of you cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get the **** over it!!!

Justwannacoment 7
codplayer2442 1

Hey all women are useless on there "day" don't get mad

#54 I think you mean week, buddy. As a female, I can attest to the fact that periods don't just last a day.

#54. let me remind you that it is thanks to this "useless" week that your mother was able to conceive you. sure, a man's fluid fertilizes the egg. But what got the egg there in the first place? a period is a reminder to women of their remarkable ability to bring life into this world. in fact, it is US law that the choice of whether or not a fetus is brought to full term falls only in the hands of the mother and the father has no say. men have tried to fight this to no success. so remember, had it not been for women having periods, none of you would be born.

ikickgingers 15

He didn't say useless because you are not putting out. Just useless. I don't get mean I get nice... But useless makes sense. Usually the first day I am laying in a fetal position on the floor wishing death to find me swiftly. Just saying. I get pretty useless until I take a hydro. Then the world is whole. :/

Tell your boyfriend that he's useless. Most things in life come in many functions nowadays. Your boyfriend seems to only come in one - sex. A vibrator can go up to 7 modes.

Danielt104 6
Danielt104 6