By Anonymous - 30/10/2011 05:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend clearly stated that I was "useless" when on my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 499
You deserved it 8 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him your period is your excuse. What's his?


edgeoftheworld42 0

Am I the only one that took it "My boyfriend told me I was useless while I was on my period"? As if she was saying she got told she was useless while PMSing which made her furious? I don't know maybe not :/

Everyone is confusing ops term useless. I think her boyfriend meant she's a bitch and cramps make her seem lazy. When I'm on mine, all I want to do is sit and I'm moody as heell.

perdix 29

Do you become all nasty and moody when your "friend" visits? He may not be complaining just that your pussy is out if commission, but that you, as a whole (yeah, I said it, whole) are just no fun to be around?

So I guess it is true that multiple women living together have their cycles around the same time

Angelice_fml 0

What a douche. If anyone is useless, it's him and his microscopic-sized brain.

I can't decide if you deserve it or not. Your bf may be right. Or he might just be a dick. I feel like this requires more context.

#40 I think he's referring to the fact that she's unavailable for sex during her period. Does that make more sense?

perdix 29

She's unavailable for vaginal sex, she still has a mouth and an asshole.

Dump him. He obviously is an asshole who only thinks with his dick.

He probably thinks you're his sextoy -.-"