By Anonymous - 16/05/2015 09:11 - United Kingdom - Aberdeen

Today, my boyfriend decided to suddenly stop in the middle of sex, just as I was actually starting to enjoy myself, just to bear hug me and exclaim, "Crikey, she's angry!" in the voice of Steve Irwin. He laughed so hard at his own joke that he went soft and couldn't continue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 526
You deserved it 3 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shipley18 17

I want to know why Steve Irwin is on his mind during sex

pull a sting ray on him if he tries it again.


May be its time you pretend like crocodile. He will be back on track in no time

Make him go down on you till you're done

legen.... dary lol that dude is silly makes life alot more interesting be happy and go with the flow


I get the Steve Irwin thing however I'm more concerned that up to a certain point you were not enjoying sex with your boyfriend. maybe you should take a step back and look at your relationship as if I am correct you should enjoy the whole thing or else someone is doing something wrong.

dianafefifofana 2

I took it as she was getting to that good place and no man should stop what he is doing when a woman's peak is building.

Were you thrashing around like a captured crocodile? o.O

asia3pea90 13

Lame. I've seen a story extremely similar to this four years ago.

kinda reminds me of the south park episode when they had steve irwin on there