By Anonymous - 10/03/2013 22:37 - United States - Denison

Today, my boyfriend drove me back home. My dad was sitting on the porch in his underwear, with his shotgun in his lap. He stroked the gun, looked my boyfriend dead in the eyes, and slowly shook his head. Now my boyfriend refuses to see me for his own safety. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 178
You deserved it 4 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are worse things in his lap he could have been stroking.


venus89 17

My cousin did the same thing but with also axes, swords and what not when his sister first started dating and did the same with me. Stopped though when his mace met my knee.

Tell his ass to stop being a bitch and man up! The dad will start respecting your relationship if he sees that he's here to stay

wlddog 14

You just dont get it 50. If the guy really really likes the girl, he will find a way to convince the dad he is there for the right reasons. If he is not willing to fight for the girl, why would the girl want him at all? Will he run off at the first sign of trouble??? Not if he was able to stand up to the "scary" dad and go eye to eye with him. Women want MEN, not scared boys. An actual man can tell a man when he sees them. This world is too full of boys that never grew up.

At least you didn't make it out the car for a good while before noticing him sitting there

Cecybby 8

Story of my life. Gotta love those protective fathers. 8D

I think he was trying to see if he was a cowardly piece of shit or not. Great parenting!!!! Will use it for my daughter

sdahl1113 4

That totally sucks. I'm so glad I no longer live at home so I don't have to put up with that kind of crap. FYL