By Anonymous - 10/03/2013 22:37 - United States - Denison

Today, my boyfriend drove me back home. My dad was sitting on the porch in his underwear, with his shotgun in his lap. He stroked the gun, looked my boyfriend dead in the eyes, and slowly shook his head. Now my boyfriend refuses to see me for his own safety. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 178
You deserved it 4 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are worse things in his lap he could have been stroking.


Wow! That's terrifying! Are you safe living with him?

RedPillSucks 31

Gun control but not birth contorl

Its kinda funny, because your in Texas.

TxCountryBeauty 10

How do you assume we don't believe in birth control

TheForgetfulOne 12

I didn't even have to read the bottom info to know where it's from. I was only half way through reading the FML when I knew it's in Texas

MandyDoll 11

My dad did the same to my boyfriend right as he picked me up for our first date. My dad also played banjo music from his phone. But the upside is it didn't scare him away, my dad and boyfriend are really close :)

Your dad is awesome if he isn't an asshole he doesn't have to worry. If I was in your bf shoes I would calmly tell your dad I don't have intentions of hurting you because I like you too much and if one day I decide our spark is gone I will leave and not cheat and that no means no.

Take solace in the knowledge that you have a totally badass dad who cares about you.