By Anonymous - 27/04/2013 16:35 - Denmark

Today, my boyfriend dumped me because he says I need to learn how to be happy without relying on him. I'm not a clinger, I'm just unhappy because my dad recently passed away, my best friend turned on me, and I lost out on the exchange program of my dreams. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 274
You deserved it 4 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GemmaStyles 14

You don't need someone as inconsiderate as him. I'd say you're better off single.. You're gonna find someone who'll be there for you sooner or later x


kryxen 14

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kryxen 14

No, it's not low. In trying to figure out why first why her bf then her friends would drop her in such a crappy situation. I'm asking to understand what's going on. I never said the op was chasing $$. I mean lets say dad thought exchange program was an awesome thing for his daughter (I know I would for mine) and was going to pay for it. Then afterwards she doesn't have the money for it but wants to go, and her dad wanted to go. So she try's to have her bf that is supposed to love and support her help her. He leaves. So then she's asking her friends in a last ditch effort to help do this last thing her dad wanted her to do, and they leave. That's what it sounds like happened to me. But I don't know! And you don't either. So I'm asking. It's not low. And if you read this book I just wrote, I'm sorry for taking up your time.

Oooooorrr.....maybe her boyfriend and friends are just assholes? Which is far more likely situation than....whatever the hell you just came up with. o.O

kryxen 14

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Your mind is fascinating. I'm no scientist, but I'd love to examine just how your thought processes went when you came to the conclusion that the OP is a bitch who relied on her father for money and when he died, she then attempted to use her boyfriend and friends as a cash-cow. Because nothing in the FML implied any of that. I also love the little "maybe she's just a bitch asking for sympathy" comment...because god forbid OP wants some sympathy when her dad just died. Nope, the logical conclusion is that she MUST be a sympathy-stealing bitch who's more concerned about using people for money than the death of her father.'re not the OP's ex-boyfriend, are you? Because that would explain a lot.

kryxen 14

Again I have been asking what the F happened that the bf and friends would drop her. It's interesting that that many people would do that for no good reason. I have been asking what their reasons might be. But everyone seems to think that asking means that I don't sympathize with her losing her dad. The two things might not be related. But both her bf and friends leaving seems and after they do or because they do she can't go on exchange programs sounds like there is more going on there. Now it's time for the stupid teenagers (age or mentality) to attack me again.

Well #69, You shouldn't have been specifically asking if the exchange program and the fact that she may have been asking for money was involved. That's why people are downvoting your previous comments. You're making it seem like she's the one at fault, which is wrong from the start. (And btw, saying *maybe she's a bitch looking for sympathy* is kind of a cruel thing to say, even IF you're still trying to figure out what happened...)

69, the boyfriend dumped her because she was unhappy and it's a huge possibility her friends disowned her before the split. I highly doubt the OP was just looking for money!!

c4rpi0 20

This is like 3 FML's in one your better off without him OP a boyfriends job is to be there for his girlfriend when she needs him most

K410 18

Aww sorry to hear you're going through a rough time op but things can only get better from here because without that douche you can finally meet someone who truly cares and loves you enough to be there for you no matter what :)

Unfortunately the roughest times in our lives reveal the character of our inner circle. Sorry you had to find out during such a terrible time, OP.

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Does he happen to wear condoms as clothing? He sounds like a dick, he might as well dress like one.

That's awesome! Never heard an insult quite like that before.

Giluh 19

I am sorry for all your losses :( Keep your chin up and keep pressing forward! Forget that douche ex of yours. Life will show its good side soon and life will pick up :) Best wishes!

if he couldn't be there for you he isn't a keeper

I'm sorry OP. :( Sending nothing but positive thoughts ur way!

Did you tell him the reasons you were unhappy or were you poorly trying to hide it?