By Anonymous - 27/04/2013 16:35 - Denmark

Today, my boyfriend dumped me because he says I need to learn how to be happy without relying on him. I'm not a clinger, I'm just unhappy because my dad recently passed away, my best friend turned on me, and I lost out on the exchange program of my dreams. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 274
You deserved it 4 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GemmaStyles 14

You don't need someone as inconsiderate as him. I'd say you're better off single.. You're gonna find someone who'll be there for you sooner or later x


roflstomp716 19

if he leaves when you need him most, he's not cut out to be your boyfriend in the first place.

im really sorry op....see it cant get any worse so chin up it has to only get better from this point on:)

:-( at least you found out he's a douche canoe before it was to late. You'll find someone worth you're time and love. I promise. Hang in there baby :-)

*cough* douche *cough* that or he's stupid for not realizing the loss of a parent is a big thing

stacey_92 12

I'm sorry that happened to you OP, your boyfriend is not good enough for you, especially if he feels that you are too clingy and that is definitely not the case. If you want someone to talk to you can message me.

In a weird way he may have a point: he is not your shrink. Sort things out in your head firs. Looks like you have time for that now.

How are you suppose to be happy if the person that is supposed to make you happy... Leaves?

I'm so sorry. Well I think he did you a favor. Now you can find somebody better. Sorry about your losses. Things WILL get better. Just keep your head up.