By Anonymous - 27/04/2013 16:35 - Denmark

Today, my boyfriend dumped me because he says I need to learn how to be happy without relying on him. I'm not a clinger, I'm just unhappy because my dad recently passed away, my best friend turned on me, and I lost out on the exchange program of my dreams. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 274
You deserved it 4 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GemmaStyles 14

You don't need someone as inconsiderate as him. I'd say you're better off single.. You're gonna find someone who'll be there for you sooner or later x


What a dick. People who think you deserve it are dumbasses

I totally agree! It's crazy to me how over 1000 people actually clicked YDI. Like wth...

If he can't stay beside you through the rough stuff, he's not worth it. I'm sorry op, things will get better.

SynysterNero 20

This one really does suck. You have been through a lot but you're better off without that dick.

"...and this too shall pass" My mom always said this to me anytime I was going through something hard. She passed away 7 years ago, and I always remember her words during difficult times. It will get better OP, it just takes time.

I know exactly what you are going through, I've been there a few months ago. Even though I'm still not over my dad's passing, life definitely got better. I got a wonderful job and great new friends. And even though I miss having a boyfriend sometimes, I feel so much better being single. My point is, life gets better and this an extremely awful experience that you have to go through but that will turn you into a better person. You will learn to enjoy every single time with your loved ones, you will learn how to identify wether a friend is true or not and you will be able to find a better man for yourself, eventually. But one thing is true, you won't be able to control missing your dad, that is something a person learns to live with, hopefully. I wish you the best!

Good riddance to bad rubbish on account of your douche boyfriend and best friend. I'm sorry for the loss of your father.

"If you can't handle me at my worst, you sure as hell don't deserve my best!" ~Marilyn Monroe~

That's really is terrible. One point I must pick up on is that if you had been on an exchange program or intending to get on one you can't have cared all that much about your boyfriend. Sounds to me like the two of you we're probably shafted either way. As for the rest of it, condolences and look at redefining your idea of 'best friend'.

The fact op wanted to go on exchange may also mean that she recognized the fact that although boyfriend is important, she also needs to take care of her own personal development and experiences. I guess it definitely confirms she's not a clinger, as she said; but lots of couples make it through temporary separation. It's XXI century, there are way to stay as close as possible while being away in a physical sense.

squideth 18

62, so it would have been better for her to cling to her boyfriend and never go out and live her own life? Yeah, no. Having ambitions and pursuing them does not mean you're a bad person who doesn't care about loved ones. In fact, it's admirable, she's obviously independent enough to do something like that.

Wha a jerk! He doesn't deserve you if he's not going to help you through this. You deserve better. I'm sorry to hear about everything that's going on.