By Saradee - 24/12/2012 04:55 - United States - Inglewood

Today, my boyfriend ended sex by yelling, "THIS IS SPARTA!" and using his foot to push me off the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 198
You deserved it 10 966

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Wear a chastity belt next time and scream," YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

Roguedork19 8


That's hilarious! I would laugh so much if my boyfriend did that (as long as he didn't hurt me in the process).

ColbyM88 5

they should have a "this is awesome" button. for moments like these.

No guy is entitled to a girl dating them. Nobody thinks someone bitching and moaning about the friend zone and "why didn't she like me, I'm a Nice Guy!!" is attractive, and I imagine that's what you do. And really, nobody deserves to be punted off the bed right after sex.

There's no such thing as "friend-zoning". "Friend-zoned" guys only ever compliment a girl and get pissed when she won't **** them.

I feel a little bad for you OP, but I'm not gonna lie. I laughed. It's pretty funny. :]