By Saradee - 24/12/2012 04:55 - United States - Inglewood

Today, my boyfriend ended sex by yelling, "THIS IS SPARTA!" and using his foot to push me off the bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 198
You deserved it 10 966

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Wear a chastity belt next time and scream," YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

Roguedork19 8


barronterrier 3

That's a man's man right there!

LOL holy crap... I am sorry for you! You should give him a Christmas foot in the ass.. LOL

That is hilarious. I am still laughing! I hate it for you, but that is epic!

OMG I just laughed so hard I woke my mom up in the next room. That is absolutely hilarious, OP! It sucks for you, I'm sorry, and I do hope you're not hurt, but oh man that's so funny!!! Guys come up with some clever ways to finish sex on this site...

Next time you have sex, do the same thing-then push him off the bed with your foot squarely in his nuts

Now I know what I'm doing to my girlfriend tonight haha