By Anonymous - 23/04/2011 08:17 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend forgot to tell me about the all-night bender he went out on, and what he got up to with my best friend. But its okay; the Facebook pictures say it all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 654
You deserved it 3 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why is it that if a man has sympathy for a womans situation it's assumed that he's trying to pick up a chick?

reaver24 0

look at it this way... when in doubt, Facebook, cus there's no such thing as secrets there...


jennifer93 0

And he better be single now! Sorry that happened to you :/

And you people that say Facebook is ruining relationships- Uhm. Hello. Guys/girls still text others with their phones. And it's not Facebook's fault that people aren't smart enough to remember who they have added on there.

BellaGoBoom 6

And not just that. A lot of people have their wall and pictures public. Just takes a little creepin' to uncover a randy dipshit's dirty little secrets.

ladybunny 0

Wow. That sucks. Make sure you confront him about it.

my girlfriend cheated on me yesterdayv:(

my girlfriend cheated on me yesterdayv:(

you should post an FML about it. not tell is in the comments

BellaGoBoom 6

Poor you. Set yourself on fire in defiance.

jennifer93 0

wow, these people are being jerks! sorry she cheated:(

YoungBanks 3

72 how about you do that since we care about you SO MUCH.

gorgeousnightmar 0

it's okay, I have been in that situation three times. three different relationships. I got over it. things happen for a reason.

awesomeloser14 0

shouldn't that be ex- girlfriend and besides if she is still your girlfriend stuff a cork up her ass and toss her to the street

nicki10123 0

aww :( but you're hot!! D: why would anyone cheat on u?? that's messed up... I'm sorry :(