By merpaderp14 - 09/09/2013 06:15 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend found out it makes a funny fart sound when he blows hard into my mouth in the middle of making out. I can't get him to stop doing it every time we kiss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 132
You deserved it 5 974

Same thing different taste


Still a better love story than Twi- *slaps hand* bad Wiz.

Try blowing hard into his nose, it makes a great sound and isn't very comfortable for the receiving person. I bet that'll make him stop ;)

Do it back! He'll either quit or you'll start enjoying it too! You can bond over bodily functions.

i dont get why people are getting so butthurt over this. i would just let him get it out of his system because the bigger the fuss you make, the more he'll do it. i find it hard to believe he's going to do this forever so i would just wait until the novelty wears off

Gingerette 8

True. It's like getting a new toy; after awhile, he'll break it in and continuous play is no longer necessary.

RedPillSucks 31

Meanwhile OP should suffer in silence? He's doing something that's extremely annoying to her. Why shouldn't she let him know? I see boys all the time act like total jerks to their girlfriends and the girl just sits there and takes it. SMH.

i wouldnt count winding her up as being a 'total jerk'. shes voiced her annoyance, and short of sounding whiney she should just sack up. it's not like he's doing anything horrific like eating his toenails or wiping bogeys on the walls. me and my other half do stuff like this all the time

Gingerette 8

Is it really that big of a deal? I've been in the exact same situation, and to be honest, it wasn't that bothersome. Just give him a break and try to be patient, OP. At least he isn't boring.

Stop kissing him. He'll change his mind about how funny it is really quick.

He should quit soon...just having some fun...or it's some weird way he is trying to Spice things up...

Just stop the kissing and everything, he'll learn fast. Very fast

I had an ex who used to blow raspberries in my mouth while kissing. It was awful.

Do you whistle through your ass as well? Please don't down vote me now I'm just enquiring if the myth is true!