By highfive - 17/10/2014 01:27 - United States - Dedham

Today, my boyfriend gave his penis a high five for not getting me pregnant. He does this every time I get my period. Every. Single. Time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 351
You deserved it 7 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments


How does that even work?....Does he slap his dick? Or is it like a Barney Stinson self five but he does it for his Penis?

You hold your open palm slight above your tip, and bounce it up to make contact. I've mastered the technique and can wag mine like a dog tail, but vertically.

#55: And that's an extra 100 point bonus to you sir! I bet your missus knows when you're happy.

You could think of it as slapping o? hat way, he's happy you're not pregnant but you're seeing at as him punishing himself for an annoying habit. also, go on the pill and skip a period for no other reason to see his panic. I imagine that would be an amusing form of revenge too :)

Save the human genpool! You know what to do ;)

*Genepool. And yes, the genepool shall be saved, provided you practice what you preach...

begganboy16 12

Plan to trick him and pretend to miss a period. Make him freak out completely and then teach him a lesson

How can you pretend not to have one? It's pretty hard to hide once you are sexually active.

How can someone give his penis a high five?!

BiaBauer 29

You don't use protection??! :/

randomvisitor 6

Here's what you should do to teach him never to do this again: Start the next strip of birthcontrol right after you finish the last, effectively delaying your period. Watch him sweat. Act worried. Watch him sweat some more. Take an icecream while enjoying watching him sweat. Perhaps even do it another month. Ask if he plans to get a job to provide for the baby. I'm sure you can think of some more evil (fun?) stuff to do...