By sneezeattack - 14/05/2012 05:27 - United States - Aurora

Today, my boyfriend got so happy when he thought he'd finally given me an orgasm. I was covering an urge to sneeze. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 027
You deserved it 4 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Understandable that he would be happy, not everyone knows how to make a girl come. But maybe you should talk to him about what you like in bed or not, communication is the key after all. But you should be honest, that was all, have a nice day.

jDCrackpot 7

I think you kinda deserve it- You need to teach him how to get you off, and the 'finally' makes me think you haven't. A clit isn't a doorbell, you can't just press and hope someone comes!


Perhaps you are a tad too uptight and need to loosen up a bit. Sounds like you are part of the problem too.

christ, she only needed to sneeze! calm down dude!

estes816 9

O. P. Aaaaaahhh. Wait! I have to put this on FML really fast! I need their advice! I bet that's going to happen! WWFMLD

Teach him about the art of hitting the gspot

Most women don't even know about the art of hitting the gspot. Some women don't have a very sensitive one, and to some women having their gspot hit actually hurts. The ******** is the sure fire way to ******.

at least he wanted to give you one! but if you dont tell him what you want how will he ever know? girls need to cut guys a bit of slack, they arent mind readers and sometimes need to be given directions

ptolve 0

Uh, excuse me? It's your body. Why is it your Boyfriends "job" to make you ******. Do you ****** when you masteurbate? That is more than likely unassisted. Sex is the emotional and physical love between human beings for which the end result does not always result in climax. I think someone needs to mature a bit and get in tune with their bodies.

You should have told him that you were going to sneeze but are up for another round ;)

as long he is adult about it and an understanding man. He will grow from it and learn to please you properly to how your body needs it.