By sneezeattack - 14/05/2012 05:27 - United States - Aurora

Today, my boyfriend got so happy when he thought he'd finally given me an orgasm. I was covering an urge to sneeze. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 027
You deserved it 4 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Understandable that he would be happy, not everyone knows how to make a girl come. But maybe you should talk to him about what you like in bed or not, communication is the key after all. But you should be honest, that was all, have a nice day.

jDCrackpot 7

I think you kinda deserve it- You need to teach him how to get you off, and the 'finally' makes me think you haven't. A clit isn't a doorbell, you can't just press and hope someone comes!


Alastrina_fml 20

Finally "gave you an ******"? You don't know how your own body works well enough that you depend on others to give you what you *could* give yourself? ********** some more and get in tune with your body. With guys, just TELL THEM what you like and be honest about it. Unless they're gay, they'll do it.

Well, actually, when you sneeze you have 1/8 of an ******... Lol sorry!!

blink_kid 32

Is he gay? Why is he still with you...?