By Camille - 14/07/2010 00:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend hacked my facebook account and set my status to say that I was in love with my boss. Seeing the post, my boss called me into his office, and told me he loved me too... FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 542
You deserved it 4 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

Is he hot? Wow, that's horrible of me to say.

You should get with him to teach your boyfriend a lesson.


FeedtheBrood 0

it's not hacking if you give them your password or leave the computer logged in.

just tell him you love him too and then steal all his money and elope with the husband you truly love

perdix 29

You've got a slack-ass boyfriend who has time on his hands to play around with Facebook and pimp you out. On the other hand, a successful man loves you who has shown he can work hard and raise a family. It's a no-brainer: Go for the boss! You'll have a pre-made family without the pregnancies and the stretch marks! Hook your boyfriend up with the boss's wife as a consolation prize.


when be finds out you don't love him, he'll probably fire you

zeebug 0

Your boyfriend is a real idiot for risking your job like that. Also, what guy would pimp his own girlfriend out like that? He must be really immature. You need to dump him and let your boss know it was a joke your ex-boyfriend played. If he tries to fire you, you could sue him.

Chill out. It was a joke that kinda backfired. I don't think it risked her job. In reality, the more stupid thing to do was to friend your boss. Work should be work and home should be home. No need for your colleagues and, more importantly, superiors to know what you do on your off time.

So by "hacked your account" you mean he immediately figured out your retardedly simple password, such as his own name, right?

YDI for having a lames-ass password.

birdmansangel 0

i cant believe some of you are suggesting she has an affair!

egc573 40

Someone needs to take an extensive course in Sarcasm. As for the OP's problem, for some reason I was reminded of Mad Men. Talk about a nasty situation...