By Camille - 14/07/2010 00:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend hacked my facebook account and set my status to say that I was in love with my boss. Seeing the post, my boss called me into his office, and told me he loved me too... FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 542
You deserved it 4 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

Is he hot? Wow, that's horrible of me to say.

You should get with him to teach your boyfriend a lesson.


MyLove61710 0
hateevryone 14

if your boss is hot, i would date him. just to piss your boyfriend off, since he wants to play

glitterglam86 0

wow, he hacked you? what m4d 1337 skills! ... But it's probably because you forgot to logout.... newfags

Tell him no, and that it was your boyfriend that said that because he's secretly gay.

If hes sweet, break up with your boyfriend, hes a jerk, and give him a try

jazzykinss 1

The main issue in my opinion is that your password must have been incredibly weak. Or alternatively you've given your boyfriend your password - both cases: YDI