By dead - 09/03/2010 00:49 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend of 3 years left me because apparently I'm "too beautiful and he can no longer handle other guys always trying to flirt with me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 619
You deserved it 6 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments


thighsofglory 0

maybe youre just pretty... and nothing else :-O

anti_average 5

Doh! Fail. Ignore this comment -_-'

I smell a cop out. The truth is probably that he just didn't want to tell you the real reason he's breaking up with you. Or he could just be ridiculously insecure. Either way, you're probably better off without him.

aenemadreamer 0

i call bullshit. op is a ****. my fiance had a girl like that once. he was never around when these things happened. she always told him about them after the try to bait him. he didn't give her that lame excuse when he finally called it quits because their relationship was far more complicated after 2 and 1/2 years....but yeah op totally deserves it. Anyone ever think that, hello!....op never tried to stop it! If she loved him she would have refused any advance from any guy. But she didn't and she lost the only good thing she'll ever have. don't worry op....he'll find an amazing girl. he's better off without you.

theres plenty of options to go around. 1: the OP was a ****..or at least openly flirted with plenty of guys. 2: the OPs bf was super insecure and couldnt handle guys TALKING to her [im sure every girl has had at least one ex like that] 3: the OPs bf didnt know how to end things so he made it seem like he has to deal with his own shit.

That sounds like bupkus to me, but if he really were in that position, I could see getting annoyed. *shrug* BTW, if you're flaunting your self or flirting back with the guys that do that, YDI.

Just how beautiful are we talking here....?