By anonymous - 27/10/2009 13:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of five years gave me the silent treatment, refusing to talk to me or do anything more than glare at me during the entire three hour drive we took this morning. Why? Because I slept with his best friend. In his dream last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 527
You deserved it 51

Top comments

Okie7123 0

Your boyfriend threw logic out the window. What a douche

That's a little immature on his part, but whatever makes him feel better about himself. He'll get past it.


HBubble 3

YDI for dating a complete idiot

Oh DO grow up! That is my message to him.

wrestler285 0

a similar thing happened to me. my best friend had a dream that i stole his car because he had sex with a girl we both liked. and we almost fought the next day. i never stole his car and he has never slept with that girl.

haha #61 i love that episode! flight of the conchords is the best show everrrr

Well tell dream you to stop being such a dirty ****!

Well he obviously too stupid to grasp the concept of real life and his imagination. FYL for dating a dumb ****.

that sounds like my gf insecurities a bitch!!! just ignore him and refuse "make up sex" haha

DeadMansCrack 4

Well, why did you sleep with his best friend in the dream?

dumb the f*cker. he is so insecure. it will get worse. trust me! i would know

ahha i hate those type of dreams, i also blame them people but....3 hours....bit much for a dream?