By mylifesucks - 30/08/2009 16:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed to me by sending me a Bumper Sticker on Facebook that said "Bitch, let's get married". FML
I agree, your life sucks 455
You deserved it 40

Top comments

suaveneanderthal 0

Send him one that says "Bitch, get me a ring."


He sounds like he has a sense of humor. If he proposed for real after that... :)

Entity4Infinity 0

well i go both ways with this.. 1) you are now a fiancee (is that a girl or is it just fiance ive seen it both ways) anyways ... atleast he wants to get married and 2) being a girl .. girls automatically have a fantasy for everything and this was probably not even close to how you wanted to be proposed... usually its only a one time deal -key word usually- but i mean it goes either way ... yea it didnt go how you want.. but there is always the wedding which everyone knows girls tend to make it their way and the guys could care less most of the time.

You should have the ceremony done on a live Facebook chat... Usher (to man): Do you take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife? Man: I do. Usher (To woman): He said I do. Do you take this man as your lawfully married husband? Woman: I do.

quit bitching about it. he was probably kidding. and even if he wasn't.... why does everything have to be romantic and shit?? hes a funny guy. so quit being a dumb ass.

dude 89 your a retard... did you think that the dude was maybe kidding? your the loser for assuming shit.

I think that's XD not traditional at all and hilarious! Something to tell the kids!