By mylifesucks - 30/08/2009 16:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed to me by sending me a Bumper Sticker on Facebook that said "Bitch, let's get married". FML
I agree, your life sucks 455
You deserved it 40

Top comments

suaveneanderthal 0

Send him one that says "Bitch, get me a ring."


send him one back that says "**** yeah!"

bemo12 0
kawa_fml 0

Oh, he's a keeper, that one.

I don't understand what's up with all of this FML material based on weird sex fetishes and funny boyfriends. I think you should say no and date a female for a while. Then when you're just about to kill yourself because you can't deal with the whining and complaining and over analyzing of every action you perform, you'll gladly go back to men. Or you'll change your name to Chad and learn to love the ******.

prinsessian 0

Your BF is awesome. Most proposals make you cry, but this one (should've) made you laugh. I give him props for uniqueness. :)

noshitsherlock 0

classy. you deserve it for dating a loser. If you marry this chump, how would you celebrate anniversaries?