By mylifesucks - 30/08/2009 16:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed to me by sending me a Bumper Sticker on Facebook that said "Bitch, let's get married". FML
I agree, your life sucks 455
You deserved it 40

Top comments

suaveneanderthal 0

Send him one that says "Bitch, get me a ring."


lol your boyfriend is awesome! the "bitch" part was probably just a joke anyways

be happy he even proposed. plus, serious couples actually talk about getting married before they get engaged, so if this is the first time he's said anything to you about marriage, he's probably just trying to test the waters.

the_stereotype 0

haha. i love some of the comments on here. they're hilarious. props to your boyfriend for being unique...but it's still a crappy proposal. personally, I would have enjoyed "bitch, let's get hitched" in person

Sun_Kissed18 25

OP is a romantic, she probably pictured a classy resturant, candle lit dinner, him down on one knee, the restraunt applauding, the whole deal. So yeahh the bumpersticker was a bit of a let down.

This reminds me of the last scene of Me, Myself, and Irene.

It was actually pretty funny compared to what happened to a roommate of mine. Her boyfriend proposed by putting the ring box on the table and saying "Do you still want to get married or not?"

Hannah_Brooke 0

Stop bitching, someone wants to marry you...