By mylifesucks - 30/08/2009 16:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed to me by sending me a Bumper Sticker on Facebook that said "Bitch, let's get married". FML
I agree, your life sucks 455
You deserved it 40

Top comments

suaveneanderthal 0

Send him one that says "Bitch, get me a ring."


Hmm...well...he could have not proposed at all. Yes it was cheesy and not very romantic but at least he proposed. So it's not a HUGE fail...

Well, they would obviously use Facebook apps to send Anniversary eCards to each other and they would share their FarmVille crops as the anniversary dinner. And as for the nighttime activites, he would Super Poke her ;)

Thats a pretty crappy way to propose. I mean, you don't have to spend loads of money, or do something extravagant or would just be nice if guys proposed to your face. Still, each to their own, I expect.

LMAO what! That's hilarious. Seriously? You realize the bitch part was just him being funny, yes? I say "bitch" to my friends all the time. I CALL myself a bitch, too. How can anyone be offended by it anymore? Everybody says it... Or are you pissed that you have a boyfriend who thought of a different way to propose instead of getting you a giant diamond? I mean, he COULD have just sent a message instead. That's pretty lame...

I actually think that's kinda awesome.

Imawhalerider 0

i agree with the bitch part

Maybe OP isn't actually pissed. Maybe she saw the humor of the situation and put it up here so other people could laugh about it.

Mm, true enough. It IS rather humorous. And more funny than the one about the guy who "bought" the ring on FaceBook and considered it legitimate lol

Because it actually fits really nicely!

This is definitely a failed comment. I mean, its not even close to being funny.

Gia0896 0

Are you sure he actually proposed? It sounds kinda like a jokey 'oh look how comfortable we are with eachother, we can joke about marriage' thing.