By anonymous - 14/05/2012 10:31 - United States - Havelock

Today, my boyfriend started laughing during sex because my boobs are slightly different. He then broke up with me after I pointed out that his nuts aren't exactly even either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 676
You deserved it 6 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

toenibbler 14

One does not simply joke about other peoples' private parts, it generally ends badly.


dtemple1110 6
tmarty 17

When we got married, my wife's boobs increased in size because of all the additional stimulation i was giving them. Therefore if yours are different sizes, he was giving them unequal treatment. He was being discriminatory towards the smaller one. Let him know it's his fault, and then tell him you've found someone with a maturity level light years beyond his.

Don't make fun of a mans junk. Dumb

kbrs10 0

Number 32 telly just shut the **** up. She doesn't need breast surgery who cares if her boobs are different. I bet she's beautiful just the way she is and doesn't need your ass commenting about getting surgery. She doesn't need to fix her breasts if she doesn't want too. And he made fun of her first. So your just as much of a dick as he is. GTFO!

I don't get it. Why would you say something like that to your GIRLFRIEND???? I don't blame her for her comeback. Hopefully she finds a MATURE man next time.

Litarius 8

Ha! The boyfriend can't even take it. His bruised ego probably emerged from his small manhood.

All normal balls are slightly uneven.