By anonymous - 14/05/2012 10:31 - United States - Havelock

Today, my boyfriend started laughing during sex because my boobs are slightly different. He then broke up with me after I pointed out that his nuts aren't exactly even either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 676
You deserved it 6 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

toenibbler 14

One does not simply joke about other peoples' private parts, it generally ends badly.


alychick 5

What a ******* hypocrite!!!

O o <-- that might be a slight problem...

bethanyjk 0

we have something in common. ;)

Legendoflaw 4

That's why I duct tape my nut sack up. Make them even. Jk. Almost EVERYONE'S special parts are different. Your ex deserves to be just an ex..wipe him out your mind.

He is an asshole. Would like to see your uneven boobies.

your boobs are perfect. unless they look like a pair of dog ears. otherwise perfect

Herculesninja27 5

Saying a mans nuts aren't equal is a compliment. It means they are normal. One usually is lower so they don't collide as much. If you said they were equal it would be more of an insult. He's a moron.

hewro_failure 11

Wow you guys are both very insecure about your bodies ... For most women one boob is larger than the other and with men one ball hangs lower than the other, this is so a man doesn't crush his balls together if he were to close is legs ...