By failure - 15/10/2014 01:06 - United States - Loomis

Today, my boyfriend told me that he'd feel like a failure if he went to community college. I'm planning to go to community college next year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 371
You deserved it 4 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you're moving ahead. Don't worry, you'll be fine. :)

College is expensive as hell. You'll save a ton of money by going to a community college and as long as you still get a degree from a good school you'll be fine.


nialls_girl 13

Well my aunt graduated from a communitu college as an RN and worked up to nurse manager. I don't think she feels very ashamed. Forget what your boyfriend thinks and get that degree, OP! ;)

I'm sorry OP, but if he doesn't believe in your personal goals then something's wrong..

As opposed to pissing away 4 years of your prime and $100k in borrowed money to flip burgers?

elizacandle 29

don't even worry about it. I went to a CC now I'm at a high ranking university!

I don't really think I have an opinion I this one. Neither FML or YDI. I don't think he is thinking "omg my girlfriend is a failure" because people have standards set for them personally, for only them to reach and that does not mean they view everyone who doesn't meet them as bad. I am similar in the sense that I don't think community college is bad at all. I think it's a great starting point and can open so many doors to the rest of your life. That being said, knowing myself and how I have the grades to not go to community, I think that I would be upset if I had to go because I would be disappointed in myself, but I would never think people who go are any less than me.

Community college is not that bad trust me, I went. And people go for a variety of reasons, not just cause of poor academic performance. Like I went for financial reasons, transferred and now I go to UCLA, a top 15 school in America. You'll be fine :)

Literally the EXACT same thing happened to me.

People who say that don't know what the **** they're talking about. There is literally NO reason to go to university for the first two years of college unless you just really want to burn a hole in your pocket. It's the same damn classes, just for less money. And you can transfer to uni afterward if you want.

He's a snob. Community college saves money and gives you a solid education. If he teases you about it, dump him. He can keep those high costs and student loans to himself,