By omgboobs - 23/12/2009 02:34 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that when my nipples are hard, he thinks that they look like giant zits, and when he squeezes them, he imagines them popping pus. He then reached for my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 925
You deserved it 2 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments


tell him i said to stop popping your nipples

pop your pussay ikno its spelled wrong nd he can pop mine if he gets tired of yours

DanielleTheOne 3

Im not sure whats wrong with you but i saw the comment you left on another fml about "you got squashed while having sex at age 11" and im just wondering if that was like this year because you seem to be a total slutty moron

yasmeenjonasx3 0

You should've said that when yoy squeeze his penis you pretend like your milking a cow and act as if the cum was the milk so next time he asks you why you dont swallow, you could say your lactose intolerant.

allen20 0