By omgboobs - 23/12/2009 02:34 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that when my nipples are hard, he thinks that they look like giant zits, and when he squeezes them, he imagines them popping pus. He then reached for my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 925
You deserved it 2 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments


At least you know what turns him on. ;)

perdix 29

EPIC literary FAIL! Such a poor choice of words and disturbing imagery should land a guy in the Friend Zone with a Bulwer-Lytton prize (those are award for exceptionally bad writing -- I hope they take spoken-word entries.)

terriibabiiix23 0

Sounds like he was messing with you, don't get butthurt over it.

This is a lil wierd lmao umm i never expected that.

Eww... hopefully he was joking. Even still, I'd be pissed off >.< Make your boobs off limits 'til he learns to act mature!

On the bright side, you can stop using zit cover-up. You'll save money AND he'll never get off you!

lilgazelleX 0

lmfao, WTF?! hahaa, this is crazzyy!