By uglychick - 05/09/2009 17:29 - Canada

Today, my brother came out of the shower and sat with my mom and me on the couch. He then says he liked the idea of the extra toothbrush in the shower, it helps him clean between his toes. I have been using that to brush my teeth for the last two weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 779
You deserved it 9 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Kyle: The next time Shelly is going to hit you tell her: "Shelly, you're my sister and I love you." Kenny: And I want to take off your bra. Stan: Sick dude! She's my sister.

what does that have anything to do with this FML?

Why do so many people on this post think that it was a random toothbrush??? Also I brush my teeth in the shower, it's not ew or anything, just makes things that bit easier...

what r u talking bout? Its her brother not her sister..

Wouldn't you taste his foot on your toothbrush?

oh yeh cos everyone knows what foot tastes like right ..

Grammer police say it's "mom and me", not "mom and I". You wouldn't say "He sst down with I" would you? Me hope not!

No need to be rude about it, especially when you have the spelling police after you. :/

OrangeGlo 0

Anyone with a fifth grade education says that it's "grammar." And I would never say, "He sst down with I." Me think you need to proof read.


The grammar police are telling me that you didn't spell "grammar" correctly.

Actually, Kelsey Grammer sponsors a gang of internet thugs to go around critiquing style, usage, spelling and, coincidentally, grammar. Frasier is coming to get you, sucka!

Well don't leave your toothbrush in the shower then??

blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp blerp. (Also, blerp.)

YDI for putting your toothbrush in the shower, you dumb shit.