By G. Briones - 23/11/2011 19:14

Today, my brother lost his first tooth, so I told him the tooth fairy is going to give him money. He now thinks The Rock is going to show up in his room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 869
You deserved it 7 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least its better than Hebert the pedophile showing up in his room....

dtbomb 3

O man if the Rock came into my room I would be scared shitless because he is massive


pff that's way better than the freaking fairy

PElexander 5

That's adorable. Shouldn't be an fml but thanks for sharing.

I'd want The Rock to sneak into my room at night and give me money

What were you planning to do with him in your bedroom? Wrestle?

Oh they were going to wrestle, she was going to put him in a head lock... Between her legs.

perdix 29

41 if she has sex with him for her own pleasure, the money he gives her would just be a gift. By your logic, all those flowers and jewelry and dinners I've given to girls could put me away for a long time!

Nice imagery, but what about his fairy wings?

flockz 19

maybe he isn't skilled at sex, so he has to "wing" it sometimes.... *gets shot*

aaaahhDamn 0

Does he smell what the Rock is cooking?

The Rock sold himself out with that movie...along with a couple of others.

You'd sell out too for what he's getting to act like a fool.

Julie Andrews being in that movie shocked me. Billy Crystal and Dwayne Johnson didn't surprise me nearly as much as she did

Hey! The Rock is gonna come lay the smackdown on your candy ass.