By pretty princess - 01/02/2009 08:55 - United States

Today, my cat, who is very 'don't-ever-touch-me', jumped up next to me as if she wanted to be stroked. In reality, she wanted to share a hellish fart. I need a new cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 820
You deserved it 4 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OEsEben 0
VexDraham 0

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Thats so great! I love your cat! lol.


ThisRandomChild 0

My teacher has 10 I'm sure she'd give you one hahaha

Arieah 17

My cat comes and farts near my face when I'm in bed...

I always say animals reflect their owners personality.

You could always get a new one...someone might take your current one in

JLM6793 4

The kitten I got a few weeks ago is the exact same way!