By war_monkey - 10/04/2014 12:20 - Canada - Whitby

Today, my co-worker started talking in third person. Not only that, but he narrates his daily tasks. "Jeff reached for a stapler", "Jeff stapled a report". I have to sit beside this chimp for 8 hours a day, and nothing I say can end this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 765
You deserved it 4 278

war_monkey tells us more.

It started on april fools with some very lame joke and he has decided to carry on with it and screw around. Thanks for all of the funny comments and yes, I wanted to punch jeff in the face. He has stopped and I showed him the published FML, XD.

Top comments


TcheQ 12

I smell uncultured riffraff who never watched the Stanley Parable

If he knows it bothers you, he'll probably just continue on doing it.

Nathan_h24 17

Jeff got laid, wait no he didint Jeff just lied

"Jeff got shot in a back alleyway on his way home."

skyspidergirl 8

I'd be laughing constantly, he's a genius!

Think the office and the pranks they pulled on Dwayne. "Jeff trying to extract Stapler from Jelly". Or notes with secret spy instructions that state his first assignment is to stop talking altogether.