By anonymous - 03/08/2009 07:37 - Taiwan

Today, my cousins and I were bored so we began talking about weird dreams we've had. My little cousin turns to me and says "I had a dream you were in a beauty contest. You lost badly". FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 466
You deserved it 5 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So tell your cousin you dreamed s/he was eaten by spiders. And his/her parents were glad.

Um, so the **** what? It's a dream. Stop getting your ******* panties in a bunch.


hm sure are a lot of little cousins talking about someone being ugly

mods suck at their job, this is NOT an FML

This site needs a "who gives a ****?" button

It doesn't exactly mean your ugly. dreams are weird

I have never wanted a "Who Cares" button more than I do right now.

The moderators need to be lynched for letting this shit through.

Who cares!!! It was just a stupid dream!!

mrlucky4444 0
isaysummer 0

This was a dream so what difference does it make? Also, that doesn't mean you're ugly or whatever. Maybe there were some really gorgeous people in there. Either way, this is a "who cares"