By anonymous - 03/08/2009 07:37 - Taiwan

Today, my cousins and I were bored so we began talking about weird dreams we've had. My little cousin turns to me and says "I had a dream you were in a beauty contest. You lost badly". FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 466
You deserved it 5 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So tell your cousin you dreamed s/he was eaten by spiders. And his/her parents were glad.

Um, so the **** what? It's a dream. Stop getting your ******* panties in a bunch.


Um... no offense, but this isn't really an FML.... Especially if your little cousin said it.... I can understand how it could be offensive, but come on, it's a dream, and they're uncontrollable.

Dreams are usually never how you want them to be, yet over it bitch, it was just a dream.

killinmesmalls 0

Not gonna lie...I am quite tired of reading FMLs involving some little kid called the OP ugly. Why is your self esteem that low to where you would take a childs opinion seriously? Damn.

xoxoCheer 0

Well, you / were / talking about / weird / dreams.

HahaYDI 0

I don't think you could have deserved this more, you're ugly, fix it and then your cousin won't have to call you ugly...PROBLEM SOLVED!!

At least you were pretty enough to enter?

How is this a FML? You were talking about weird dreams. Your cousin said she had a dream you lost a beauty contest. Thus, she thinks it'd be weird if you lost a beauty contest. It means she thinks you're pretty, OP!

OMG your cousin had a dream. FYL INDEED