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By anonymous - 03/08/2009 07:37 - Taiwan

Today, my cousins and I were bored so we began talking about weird dreams we've had. My little cousin turns to me and says "I had a dream you were in a beauty contest. You lost badly". FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 466
You deserved it 5 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So tell your cousin you dreamed s/he was eaten by spiders. And his/her parents were glad.

Um, so the **** what? It's a dream. Stop getting your ******* panties in a bunch.


Um, so the **** what? It's a dream. Stop getting your ******* panties in a bunch.

Agreed. "Oh nooo, my cousin had a dream, **** MY LIEF ;;;_;;;"

Why in the name of god is this an FML?. Stop QQing damnit it was a dream. I bet a bunch of little kids are moderating this going OMG that's so terrible. FFS

hecuva 0

Just to add to this NOT being a FML... they were talking about having "wierd" dreams, so her cousin could be saying that it was wierd that she lost... therefore a good thing, right?

yeah! it's weird that you lost, you should have won ;D

Dude, no kidding! This is rather ridiculous. Kinda like the Jackass crew guys, but man, even theirs were better with this....

chocoLIFE_fml 2

of course, that's just a dream. the reality is that shell bitch about anything for the attention

thecrazed7 0

Are you kidding me? Everybody has relatives. It isn't something they can help. Did you even think before posting that? OP: It was only a dream. Who knows what goes on in other peoples' minds?

He's a troll dumbass don't listen to him. YDI for living in taiwan

thecrazed7 0

She* :D ..... AND your a racist.

AntiChrist7 0

seeing such a worthless FMl getting past the moderation is a complete nightmare

So ******* what? He was your little cousin who had a DREAM!! Maybe he was the judge of the beauty contest and he thinks women who look like rats that walk on two legs are beautiful and that's why you lost. Get over it.

So, your little cousin had a weird dream where you lost a beauty contest? FYL indeead. FYL cause you're total loser for being affected by THAT.

So tell your cousin you dreamed s/he was eaten by spiders. And his/her parents were glad.

tell him you had a dream he/she fell off a roller coaster then make him/her watch final fantasie 3

It's a dream though you can't really get mad at that. I had a dream I was laying with my gf on a bed of fruit cans...

i had a dream once that king kong attacked my school and everyone hid under the desks. Don't worry about it dreams don't mean anything.