By smashyonewfloors - 31/08/2013 04:44 - Canada - High River

Today, my crew and I were berated by a client for not installing her new hardwood floor on time. We were only halfway through the day, but apparently it should have only taken "like, an hour?" because "The guys on the TV shows do it that fast." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 881
You deserved it 2 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

some people need to do research before they do shit like this.

Nolimit2217 32


nurchok 15

Good Lord!......where do you even begin explaining this to someone with so little common sense. We have interfered with natural selection.

WasabiMars 21

You could've sarcastically told him to recruit the TV commercial guys to install his floor.

jellenwood 35

TV shows like the house renovations and crime shows give people a fake sense of reality.

Oh god... I hope that woman didn't breed....