By smashyonewfloors - 31/08/2013 04:44 - Canada - High River

Today, my crew and I were berated by a client for not installing her new hardwood floor on time. We were only halfway through the day, but apparently it should have only taken "like, an hour?" because "The guys on the TV shows do it that fast." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 881
You deserved it 2 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

some people need to do research before they do shit like this.

Nolimit2217 32


Your client is so retarded that it is just sad... don't worry dude, rejoice on your IQ being five times larger than your client's... assuming your IQ is the standard level 100.

Make something idiot-proof, and someone will make a better idiot. How on Earth do such stupid people survive for so long?

i do hvac and when a customer starts yelling at me i stop them quickly and tell them to call my office if you want to yell at someone because if you continue to yell at me for something i didnt do or have no control over i will pack up my tools and leave and good luck getting another person from my company here on a day like today, i have had to walk out on a few customers and when they see me leaving and try to apologize to get me to stay i tell them "don't care ac (or heat) works at my house bye"

mimiminx 23

Am I the only one that read that without taking a breath?

Of course not, it was a big run-on sentence.

1dvs_bstd 41

Her stupidity is beyond salvation.

She was stupid enough to rant for 5 minutes to a wrong number, wouldn't put it past her to not grasp tv editing.

Good thing she didn't see the Empire commercial! Seriously though, flooring is hard work.. Don't pay any attention to that brain dead lady, she either has no common sense at all or is just being a **** because she knows she can get away with it.

Maybe she's just angry cause she's not getting the hardwood... If ya catch my drift ;)

bingbongbingbong 11

Did you explain to her the phenomenon that goes on on television where an entire days work is edited into an hour long program? I hope you did.